How to make a Thanksgiving card.
Well it is important with impetuous, curious toddlers that other needs are met before submitting their cooperation in the task of creating any type of homemade card(translation: well fed and distracted). For this event, it went down immediately after dinner, so he was fed and reasonably sedate. So we got his tray cleared and stripped the clothes, which is standard after post-dining procedure as a bath is imminent.
For this card, we required a handprint of one color for the turkey's body and four fingers of separate colors for the feathers. But how do you do that in one sitting....paint the hand and all four fingers first?...yeah right!
As you can see the toddler is focused on the task(good man, that). Unfortunately what this image does not show is that once we went to put a different color on the 1st finger-into the mouth went the hand. It is not good for a toddler to realize what he thought was chocolate is really paint! So what are parents to do....A distraction was necessary.

As you can see there is now a sucker sticking in my young son's mouth...the only Dum-Dum sucker in the house(you know, like they get at the doctors to stop the crying). So time is limited, we have to move fast.

Opting instead to do it one finger at a time, one color at a time we kept it cleaner however we fast ran out of sucker(see above). Already the little man is thinking about where this wet finger should go besides the nice little card in front of him...

With a little cooperation from an off camera dad and a lot of dickering and fuss, it can be done if you plan it right! Yeah, good job Mommy and Tommy!