
Monday, March 16, 2009

Catching up

I started this late, Thomas was seven months old already. But I figured it was my way to talk about stuff with me and share baby stuff, since TC was doing her thing with emails for the family. I am wanting to base this on feedback; i. e. what videos and pictures would be interesting, since I enjoy mostly everything Thomas at this age are kinda a spectator sport you know.
The picture today is of a messy feeding time, I think he had dropped his spoon. That's okay, we have a whole set handy for events like this....For some this may be an image that confirms why they don't want children, i.e. the crying and mess. However these are fun times if you show a little humility and patience, which is a reason God gives us children you know...Crisis like the above are short-lived and usually you both end up laughing pretty quickly...Remember you are both learning boundaries in everything you do(yes, even as adults)

I remember telling my boss one day that, and she reminded me to enjoy it when I could because they grow up so fast...I get that alot actually, but it doesn't feel like it yet. I still feel like we are catching up on our sleep, despite the fact he is currently sleeping throughout the night now( albeit the thrashing followed occasional yelp for no reason we hear on the monitor in the middle of the night that has us scrambling, only to find him peacefully curled back up again in his crib.)

It is difficult in these times: having both of us work and leaving him with family, however they really enjoy him and it keeps us from leaving him with strangers at a day care. We both have learned how to make the best of our time with him an have been enjoying many milestones lately. Those are for other posts though.

That is the gist of it anyways, isn't it. Make the best of it , don't sweat the small stuff, cause that's all it really'll even be laughing(or bragging) about all the stuff that is aggravating you right now. There have been some diaper changes alone that are comedy fodder for yours truly....
Have a great day.
Evey day is a gift.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

He crawls!

This post is more for family/friends-but there are few notes about precautions if anyone is on this blog for general info.

Thomas is crawling, a little here and a little there. It all started with a scooting motion but every now and then he stays up on the knees long enough to qualify as a crawl. His motivation appears to be anything he can get his hands on since apparently his tactile needs (anything with a unique appearance or texture) and all around curiosity/exploration grows .
Checklist for self(and all parents I guess) when baby learns to crawl:(should have done this before the crawling started. I put the things that lock the cabinets on a month ago and still haven't gotten used to them. )

1) Move anything he can reach from the floor...and, as with everything else, put in his mouth.

2) Anything on shelve big enough to hurt if it falls on his head, move to a lower shelf or somewhere else.

3) Mount all those teetering flimsy bookcases to the wall so he can't pull them over on his head.

4) If he's climbing and crawling mounting may not be enough, no tablecloth or hanging laundry is safe for the next few months.

5) When all else fails, get down on his level and look at all the things he can get into...
This video is his latest escapade....


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