Thomas is ten months old now, has time flown or what. Several people who keep in touch through pictures/email say he looks like a toddler...after carrying him here and there throughout they day sometimes I would have to agree...he is a big boy, and a blessedly healthy one. Of course it doesn't seem like 10 months since we brought him home from the hospital. People say enjoy them while you can because they grow up so fast. Everyone says that actually. I guess when your history is full of good memories it would pass quicker...
He definitely is developing a hearty personality, which really enhances my bonding with him. He loves to wrestle, suddenly dropping a toy and crawling over/on top of me or my wife, lunging at us the last minute. I watch him intently to see how he looks at things and how he investigates them(he doesn't always try to put them in his mouth.) One of my favorite thngs in the morning is to stand outside, while it is still quiet, and hold him up so he can look around the great outdoors. He gets such a simple, happy, peaceful look, like an old soul breathing in new life. There are never any words/noises from him, he just takes it all in. we kind of stand there looking around and taking in the world. One day I wil get a pic of the look he gets and post it, maybe.
Thomas is standing with help and can pull himself up to a standing position(though usually it is more of a kneel) using a sturdy(usually) object. He is also braving the stairs at his grandparents, though he can't get to the third step yet. He doesn't stop trying to get over and around things and investigates everything. Keep that in mind new parents-once they get wheels and see something that catches their fancy, they will want to get into it and investigate.
The other morning I did not move the waste pail back into its hiding place and Thomas found a used coffee filter. When he finds and gets his hands on something, he waves it like a trophy. You can imagine the mess.
Crinkly sounds(like plastic bags) are lots of fun for him, he likes the sounds it makes when he tugs on it. Naturally we all know this is not safe endeavor, but it is an explanation partially at least for him getting into the trash, and it sounds better than "because it was there". No, I do not let him play with plastic bags..I was cleaning the kitchen and had not returned the litter basket back to the pantry. He knows that is where it hides because every trip through the kitchen requires a trip by the pantry to see if the door wasn't closed properly. Funny kid that one..relentless too.