
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

wagon fun

How does one get to the perfect, fabled white pumpkin of dubious Halloween lore.....well if you are a toddler it is all about the wagon, or at least getting into one...

Have a parent nearby who is not taking pictures "spot" you....

It helps sometimes to stretch before strenuous maneuvers

It is all about balance!

Okay let's go!

Finding the right one for Thomas....

Pumpkin patch

Never underestimate a child's ability to adapt to the never know with a pumpkin patch how a toddler is going to react. Vibrant Fall colors, oddly shaped vegetables and harvest related items, scarecrows and other costumed caricatures. Usually between 1 and 2 years of age I have been cautioned that toddlers are most wary and frightened by strangers, strangeness and especially caricatures.
Thomas was curious from the start and although cautious at first when he was surrounded by large orange orbs he was not familiar with, he found solace with a wagon and managed to enjoy learning how that worked. Several workers were using larger wagons to bring out more pumpkins and this fascinated him. The key to this success was preparation-he had eaten, was in and out w/o interfering with nap time, was not in a noisy crowded(i.e. overstimulating) environment, and there was another toddler there to validate the "OK for kids" factor.
All in all a great day for photography with the subdued light and rich colors, plus mom and dad now use two digital cameras to facilitate a better angle/shot between the two of us.

Thomas is seen here in a wagon with the winner, a smallish pumpkin that, after sharing a ride in the wagon now resides on our doorstep.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thomas walks Max

So Thomas is getting bigger and learning how to help out around the house. He helps mommy with laundry/dishes and daddy in the yard. We thought we would give the little man more responsibility and have him walk Max, his Godfather's dog. Max usually doesn't let Thomas get very close to him, but is a gentle accomplice in this video.

The young man to the right is Godfather's son Brian(yes he has grown) and TC narrates near the end.

Fall fun

What to do on a rainy day when you are not napping...get into all your toys so mom and dad have something to do on your next nap.

Move the laundry basket around the house whatever way suits you best at the time.

Hideaway and find adventure in a good book...

Yeah no rain, time to help daddy in the yard!

October fun

Ahhh the cool breezes of Fall are sandwiched in between the humid broiling between cold fronts. We are welcoming the cooler weather and Thomas is enjoying more outdoors as it is getting to cool for the pool!

His sense of adventure grows daily by leaps as bounds, much faster than his vocal repertoire. Thus our list of injured personal belongings is growing and things we don't want curious little hands to find move higher up on the furniture and refrigerator as well as behind locked cabinets.

We are enjoying Thomas' explorations and he does keep us in our Joy, as well as teaching us patience. He can now sign approx. 6-10 words, depending on the situation. Being able to communicate like that has really made him less susceptible(but never immune) to tantrums as he feels he can communicate in other ways and be understood until he can start forming words.
Some of the words he signs are please, cracker, soda, cookie, juice, more, milk, light-which is essentially pointing at the lamp and his hand is the "L" sign by "accident"(?)...he doesn't sign "thank you", but does manage to say something that tonally sounds similar. Every day there is something new with his development, we do encourage him to run around and be active, he(actually we) survived his first time away from us when we left him in the church nursery last week. One or both of us were outside watching through a window most of the time, but it was tough to leave the little guy alone.
I enjoyed watching him interact with other little kids, as he was really needing that, and will continue to of course. I was very proud of how he behaved and asked strangers to "please" help him when he needed to get in a chair or have a toy. They might not have known that is what he was signing as it looks like he his patting his chest when he signs "please", but it was reassuring to see him asking for what he wants and not grabbing it from other kids.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

September was equally fun as it cools down and thoughts here turn to high school sports and the routine of Life. HS football games aside, Thomas has been everywhere with us; parks, pools road trips...some great, some disastrous(Challenger Park on Memorial Day weekend). But to be away from the heat of summer for several months and just be able to walk outside with the family without melting or a meltdown makes it worth the effort.
So one day I tried to be Superdad and surprise the Wife as well. Little did I know what it would take to get to this Park(near the Space Center on the way to Galveston)early on a Saturday morning of Memorial Day weekend...without letting Thomas nap. The park is a memorial to the spirit of the shuttle Challenger, with many exhibits and three well maintained recreation areas. It turned out to be nearly two hours getting there in traffic. Thomas loves slides so we hit the park and went for a walk on the paths.
This did not go as well as I had was very hot and humid, and the bugs also knew Memorial Day was coming and turned out to greet us. Lessons for this day..
1) Plan ahead, especially nap time.
2) Leave earlier so you aren't trying to accomplish lesson 1 in the car in traffic.
3) Give the Wife some heads up to the "surprise" so the day isn't a total shock when it is hot and muggy and equally buggy.
4) The right amount of hydration and snacks can go a long way to curb toddler travel stress and anxiety.

We are back

Thomas is going live and well into month 15 of his life with the Croke's. We have sufficiently recovered and I am again right to share what our latest goings on might be....first to get everyone up to date.
Thomas' first birthday was this past June, whereupon we announced joyfully to all family present and afar that baby number two was due in winter 2010. Alas the powers that be stepped in and took the baby from us the first week of August. Thus the suspension of this blog for a time being until things were in a happier place here. Thomas has kept us busy throughout our grief as he is an able walker and twice that in curiosity, so things are moving higher up around the house and on the refrigerator.
And inside it too, since those things are magical to him as well...

He is a screeching pooping, giggly joy to be with and, best off, Thomas reminds us daily of the blessing Life is, and that every day is a gift.
Even when getting into the pots and pans...the cacophony of pots is nothing compared to his joyful laughs......


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