Tomorrow's headline-"Gift bag bigger than Thomas sends Santa to the Chiropractor"
Sharing the love with Shelby.
6 more months then I get to use this! Good thing I have lots of books!
Santa's helper surprises Christopher at work(by not getting the carts out of the parking lot!)
So hopefully everyone had a great holiday and were surrounded by the blessings of family.
Thomas got many neat toys to grow into since he seems to get/and enjoy the ones for ages 3 and up! He also got to eat lots of junk food and someone, a few aunts I think, kept him on the soda train for the last week, yippee for burpy kids and messy diapers! It was good to get another Xmas under our belt, Thomas really enjoyed seeing everyone, playing with the dogs and checking out meticulously each and every gift. Thomas still hasn't gotten the whole part about ripping through the wrapping paper with wild abandon, maybe next year.
On Dec. 13 2009, Thomas lost his Uncle Timmy. My beloved wife tells it best below.
It is with GREAT sadness that I share the news that my beloved little brother, Timmy (My "Budda Man") was killed in a truck accident early Sunday Morning, here in Katy, Texas. He turned 18 in July. He died instantly when the truck he was in, hit a tree and burst into flames, all three kids were killed. It came as a shock and we are still trying to deal with the event. This is still a fairly small town and all the local high school students are grieving along with us. We finally received word today that his body will be released to the Neptune Society and we can plan a service. As of tonight, we do not have a day or time for the memorial service, but we are meeting with our Pastor in the morning.
The local news picked up on the story and information (and sadly) video can be located online. My older brother Tim (Yes, I have two brothers named Tim) created a page on Facebook: "RIP Tim Laufenberg" if you are interesting in reading ALL the amazing things Timmy's friends have had to say. News reporters came to the house today and interviewd my Dad. He did very well and held it together.
Timmy was on several bowling teams and the teams gathered tonight at the bowling alley, in his memory. They also signed one of Tim's bowling balls to give to Mom & Dad.
In lieu of flowers or cards, please make any donations to Cystic Fibrosis in honor of Timmy: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation USASFA, INC PO Box 1618 Gresham, Or 97030-0519
I am ever so grateful that Dave, Thomas and I moved to Katy and have had this amazing last year with Timmy and feel blessed that our entire family could gather moments after the news was shared with my Mom. There are no words to console us, but knowing family & friends are praying for us, help.
Timmy will be remembered for his smile, laughter and quick wit, bowling a 299, stinking out a room, eating mustard flavored pretzels and making my son Thomas laugh. He always told me he loved me (followed with a kiss) even when he was with his friends. Thomas Liam will grow up hearing stories and seeing pictures of his Uncle Timmy, as many as I can share, daily.
My heart aches as I think about each day without him - NOT at the family dinner table, NOT running around the swimming pool, NOT leaving his many pairs of shoes by the front door, NOT being home on time, and NOT BEING WITH US!!! It still feels like a dream and I wish I could pray it all away. So many questions linger for me. I took an old sweatshirt of Budda's and have in hanging in our bedroom. For now, my questions will have to wait.
Timmy came to us as a surprise one day as a foster child needing a home. Without telling us, my Dad took the call, went to the hospital and brought home a very sick baby. Within minutes we all fell in love with Timothy Thomas and nurtured him to health - by his 3rd birthday he was an official Laufenberg and brought us JOY every single day.
I love you my sweet Budda Man and I know that you are sitting in God's lap, smiling and breathing easy.
Woo hoo!...It snowed here for the first time since December of last year. Earliest snow ever for SE Texas....Thomas had never seen snow while we were in Alaska so this was new and required caution initially. He still doesn't really know what to make of it, but knows it is cold and wet and he didn't like falling over in it. Then again it wasn't like we had toddler snow clothes on hand for the one snow event we get a year here.
We did dress him up not once, not twice, but three times and take him out as different relatives arrived and wanted to experience it with him. I had forgotten from my time with the Anchorage School District how much work that was getting a toddler geared up for wet cold snow! The first step, as you see above, is finding the right footwear.(or in this case, the closest thing to "right"). Getting the jacket on was another story but this is about snow, not dressing toddlers.
Here he is being offered his first snowball.
He was so unsure about it I couldn't get him to even try eating it even after watching me eat some (and this little guy doesn't like missing meals any more than his dad). But as you can see he was a willing participant from the standpoint of casual observer...maybe next year's snow day will be a snowman and snowball fight..and some proper gloves!