Happy times abound for our little one, he is a really happy baby. We have been lucky in that he really doesn't fuss too much outside of sleepiness or hunger. This is good because he does get into trouble now that he crawls around and bumps his head occasionally.
Character is showing now, he is really getting a personality and likes to be in the middle of everything, in fact I think he feels it is an entitlement. Thomas can stand now and that means he is even closer to walking, which you will see in the video he can already do with some assistance. Valuable in the house are moving to higher locations or secure rooms as his ability to reach things grows. Don't kid yourself and think they don't notice things, Thomas gets into everything, and fabric runners (with framed photos on them)hanging over the edge of a bureau are every bit as enticing as a crumb underneath the dinner table that could be anything from a dead bug to an actual escapee from the dinner table.
He has flipped a bench, pulled off the VHS door on the TV, unpotted plants, pulled over pictures and trashcans, and consistently turns the vacuum over so he can play with the wheels(when it is on he likes to crawl alongside it). I like to let him run around the cleared(ones not gated off to him) rooms just to see what he thinks he needs to be getting into. It is interesting to see what he investigates. The vacuum has to be hidden because even though he likes the wheels spinning now, sooner or later he will find a way to get the dirt bag out and whoa what a mess that will be!
Here is an assisted walk..I love how he figure out how to turn the highchair around...the way he does it is how he pushes anything with wheels around when he doesn't feel like practicing walking
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