It was 12 months ago today that Thomas Liam came to our world to stay....or so the song goes sort of...after 24 hours he came as 9 lbs 6 oz of labor-bruised joy joined our family.

365 days later and a robust 23 lbs, that translates many ways; 2555 diapers(at 7 diapers a day), 1092 bottles of formula or milk, an untold countless hours of lost sleep, an equally uncountable tally of baby wipes..but hey, what price can you put on the fun and happiness a baby brings to the world, eh?!
He is a hoot, and the adversity that comes with late nite wakeups for no apparent reason(diaper wet, hungry or just scared/agitated-who knew?!) and the arguments devoid of reason due to lack of sleep, well allegedly that is the stuff that builds character. Or at least a sense of humor.
He has taught us so much about ourselves, communication, and subtleties of human relations along the way. One of these days when his squawking and screeching becomes words we will what he has known all this time and has been trying to tell us. I am hoping it is that he is happy and enjoying life, because that is how it appears mostly. I would like to think he is doing great in his first year with new parents who are in their first year.

This evening he got upset after continuing to crawl underneath a piece of furniture after he looked right at me like he knew he wasn't going to like going underneath it. Then of course he kept going and got really perturbed when he could no longer lift/push himself up from a crawl because his entire body was underneath it. It was funny to all of us but of course not to him. One of many times we get to laugh at something we all knew, including him, he should not do but went and did anyways.
I gotta laugh now, I might not want to in 15 years when he tries to tell me "hey, in a few years we will laugh about this".

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