A Dad shares the journey of his own creations-that of his son's; one Autistic and one neurotypical.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Thanks to all
I wanted to thank everyone for their commentary on this site, mostly to our email addresses. This site is not meant to be any kind of forum, more so a convenient way to get the info across to family and friends regarding Thomas and our experiences in that regard.
Youtube was too impersonal and random for this and here I have an opportunity to respond and post accordingly with some kind of stream of events you can fall back on.
No pix this time, I am just posting to acknowledge everyone for their input and thank them for their support. This has been a lot of work but really worth it in what I have been able to share with everyone. Our son is quite a hoot and hopefully you get some idea from these excerpts how much joy and laughter he has bought to our lives.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thomas and Kollin
Kollin is a very tolerant black lab who has gotten used to Thomas' random displays of affection...I say random because I think this is the first time we have caught him on video hugging Kollin, which he usually gets around to doing sometime each day..Enjoy!
*semi retired=Kollin is certified for another year, but probably won't be called to serve before then, and as far as Kollin is concerned, he's already retired.
Our lil tadpole
I like how much time he gets for a number of reasons...the physical development and energy release of play are two big positives, but more importantly he has been doing this since before six months and we wanted him to be comfortable around the water, safe I should say.
No one wants to be part of the statistics regarding the fate of babies being left alone around pools or other bodies of water. Hope fully this daily interaction with water and some adult vigilance will go a long way to keep us out of that stat column. I am extremely grateful for in-laws who feel as we do and for making their pool and time available.
Here is our lil man swimming with Nana and TC is the videographer....
Baby steps
Since there is a switch on the wall to de-energize the dishwasher, we aren't worried about high water bills from extraneous loads of dishes being done, it is more the possibility of him pulling the door down on himself and busting his head on the floor and consequently being trapped underneath the door. One of the many caveats of kids, I guess, they are gonna find all the hidden dangers if I don't first!
There will be other short clips, the camera was not cooperating today in conjunction with Thomas' walking attempts.( kept cutting off the video rec after 20 sec, maybe emptying the memory card will help.)
Monday, July 13, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Final smash cake..
So you saw the beginning, here is how the rest played out. The dogs are already circling for scraps and even before he gets any headway Thomas is eyeing the birthday cake on the main table. It all was fun and games until one of the Uncles got icing in Thomas' eyes while helping him put it in his hair...That did not make it to video as we were already cleaning up and preparing for dinner... a nap was soon to follow for this little guy as his big day was nearly over.
Thank you to everyone for sharing in the moment, be it cards, gifts, phone calls and a visit. It was a great time and we will have great memories to tell Thomas when he's older.
smash cake..part III
So there is a near mishap from the get go as Thomas tries to ditch the cake, but he soon gets the idea....
Year 1 Part 2

June 26th and Thomas Liam is now 1 year old. For the record he tipped the scales at the Doc's office with a whopping 22 lbs 11.5 ounces...13.5 lbs more than his birth weight. He measurements were all within the middle percentile and he is a whopper of a healthy kid with a great laugh and a great heart.

Year one is done!..part 1

He has really been doing well in the pool and enjoys dunking himself and coming up spitting water or zerberting the water. He is still a bit shaky in the open water but is very confident in the water...Below he is trying out Bucky's new pool float.

for little boys, ate burgers and hot dogs and junk food and before you know it, there were many great gifts waiting to be opened...


Gogetter Results
Rest well
Quiet time