
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our lil tadpole

Our little man is fearless in the water, a regular tadpole back and forth in the spa. He gets to swim here at least once, if not twice a day between naps and other scheduled activities. His favorite activity is to swim across the gap in the spa between the seats/ledges to a waiting adult. Sometimes he doesn't wait, like you will see in the video.

I like how much time he gets for a number of reasons...the physical development and energy release of play are two big positives, but more importantly he has been doing this since before six months and we wanted him to be comfortable around the water, safe I should say.
No one wants to be part of the statistics regarding the fate of babies being left alone around pools or other bodies of water. Hope fully this daily interaction with water and some adult vigilance will go a long way to keep us out of that stat column. I am extremely grateful for in-laws who feel as we do and for making their pool and time available.

Here is our lil man swimming with Nana and TC is the videographer....

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